Name Description Weapon Skill Tree Type
Swiftness Gain 3% haste for 4s on rapier hits. Can stack up to 5 times. (Haste increases movement speed.) Rapier Grace Passive
Desperation Deal 10% more damage when your stamina is below 40%. Rapier Grace Passive
Momentum Deal 30% increased damage on your next light or heavy attack after performing an ability. Ends on hit or after 3s. Rapier Grace Passive
Red Curtains Critical strikes reduce all cooldowns by 5%. (Max 5 reductions per attack.) Rapier Grace Passive
Javelin Throw your spear, dealing 125% weapon damage and staggering on hit. Spear Zoner Active
Forceful Impact Targets are knocked down on hit. Spear Zoner Passive
Refreshing Precision Headshots reduce Javelin cooldown by 50%. Spear Zoner Passive
Deadly Distance Javelin deals 2.5% bonus damage per meter traveled. (Max 100%.) Spear Zoner Passive
Sweep Sweep the target's legs, dealing 75% weapon damage and knocking them down. Spear Zoner Active
Tenacious Sweep Grit is now active during the attack. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) Spear Zoner Passive
Coup de Grâce Press Basic Attack during Sweep to follow up with a heavy stab that deals 150% weapon damage. Spear Zoner Passive
Cyclone Perform a spin attack that deals 130% weapon damage to targets within a 3m radius, and applies a 50% slow for 3s. This ability has grit. (Slow reduces target's movement speed.) (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) Spear Zoner Active
Invigorating Combo Restore 25 stamina per target hit. Spear Zoner Passive
Strong Momentum Cyclone now pushes the target back 3m. Spear Zoner Passive
Deadly Consistency Deal 10% increased damage on consecutive heavy attacks against a single target. Stacks up to 3 times. Spear Zoner Passive
Deadly Reach Critical chance is increased by 10% when attacking targets that are at least 3m away. Spear Zoner Passive
Refreshing Reach Successful heavy attacks reduce all spear cooldowns by 15%. (Max 1 reduction per attack.) Spear Zoner Passive
Evasive Maneuvers Dodging backwards consumes 20% less stamina for 2s after a successful hit. Spear Zoner Passive
Invigorating Crits Restore 20 stamina on critical hits. Spear Zoner Passive
Merciless Strength Deal 25% increased damage against knocked down targets. Spear Zoner Passive
Defensive Stance Gain fortify after successful heavy attacks, increasing damage absorption by 15% for 2s. Spear Zoner Passive
Strong Conditioning Stamina regeneration rate is increased by 30% when your stamina is below 50%. Spear Zoner Passive
Reserved Strength Deal 25% increased damage while stamina is full. Spear Zoner Passive
Skewer Rush forward and skewer your target, dealing 125% weapon damage and applying bleed. Bleed deals 20% weapon damage every 1s for 10s. Spear Impaler Active
Deadly Ambush Skewer deals 20% increased damage against targets that have full health. Spear Impaler Passive
Follow Through Gain empower if Skewer critical hits, increasing damage by 20% for 10s. Spear Impaler Passive
Deep Wound Bleed duration increased to 15s. Spear Impaler Passive
Perforate Execute 3 quick piercing strikes that each deal 80% weapon damage and apply rend, reducing the target's damage absorption by 5% for 10s. Spear Impaler Active
Rupturing Strikes Rend increased to 10% per strike against targets above 50% health. Spear Impaler Passive
Impactful Strikes Target is staggered if you successfully land all 3 hits. Spear Impaler Passive
Vault Kick Use your spear to vault forward and kick your target, dealing 75% weapon damage and staggering them. Applies stun for 1.5s. Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your spear, this ability inflicts taunt for 2s when it hits. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) Spear Impaler Active
Relentless Blows Gain empower after successful hits on targets below 50% health, increasing damage by 20% for 5s. Spear Impaler Passive
Continuous Motion Cooldowns for other spear abilities are reduced by 30% on successful hit. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.) Spear Impaler Passive
Precise Jabs Light attacks have a 5% increased critical chance. Spear Impaler Passive
Refreshing Jabs All spear ability cooldowns are reduced by 10% on the second hit of the light attack chain. (Max 1 reduction per attack.) Spear Impaler Passive
Crippling Jabs The last hit of the light attack chain applies 30% slow for 3s to targets below 30% health. (Slow reduces target's movement speed.) Spear Impaler Passive
Finishing Blows Deal 15% increased damage against targets with less than 30% health. Spear Impaler Passive
Unerring Precision Deal 20% increased damage against targets with active grit. Spear Impaler Passive
Aggressive Maneuvers The first successful hit with an ability within 2s of dodging reduces all spear cooldowns by 20%. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.) Spear Impaler Passive
Exacerbating Crits Critical hits extend the duration of your spear debuffs and damage over time effects by 20%. Spear Impaler Passive
Exposed Wounds Critical chance is increased by 15% when attacking a bleeding target. Spear Impaler Passive
Exploited Weakness Deal 10% bonus damage for each debuff on your target. (Max 30%.) Spear Impaler Passive
Reverse Stab A stab attack that deals 175% weapon damage and staggers your target. Sword Swordmaster Active
Unstoppable Stab Reverse Stab now has Grit. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) Sword Swordmaster Passive
Tactician On a successful hit with Reverse Stab, all other sword cooldowns are reduced by 25%. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.) Sword Swordmaster Passive
Whirling Blade Deal 145% weapon damage to all foes within 2m. Sword Swordmaster Active
Opportunity Whirling Blade inflicts a 5% rend for 10s. (Rend reduces target's defense.) Sword Swordmaster Passive
Tactical Strike Whirling Blade reduces its own cooldown by 10% for each enemy hit. Sword Swordmaster Passive
Leaping Strike Leap forward dealing 150% weapon damage and staggering your target. Sword Swordmaster Active
Final Strike If you hit a foe below 30% health, deal 50% more damage. Sword Swordmaster Passive