4.04% | | Refreshing | CDR | Reduces max cooldowns by 2.8%. |
4.04% | | Refreshing Ward | CDR | Reduces active cooldowns by 1.9% after being hit 4 times. Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
4.04% | | Refreshing Evasion | CDR | Reduces active cooldowns by 0.74% after exiting the dodge animation. |
3.03% | | Luck | Luck | +2.8% chance at rare items from chests and monsters. |
1.35% | | Flame Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Fire damage. |
1.35% | | Frozen Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Ice damage. |
1.35% | | Void Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Void damage. |
1.35% | | Thrust Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Thrust damage. |
1.35% | | Slash Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Slash damage. |
1.35% | | Arcane Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Arcane damage. |
1.35% | | Lightning Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Lightning damage. |
1.35% | | Strike Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Strike damage. |
24.21% | | Health | Health | You have 9.4% more maximum health. |
3.64% | | Stamina Recovery | Proc | When you are hit while below 50% gain 96 stamina (30s cooldown.) Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
1.2% | | Mana Recovery | Proc | When you are hit while below 50% gain 96 mana (30s cooldown.) Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
3.64% | | Purify | Proc | When you are hit while below 50% health you lose all debuffs. (90s cooldown.) Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
3.64% | | Fortified Recovery | Proc | When you are hit while below 50% gain 10% Fortify for 5s. (90s cooldown.) Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
0.03% | | Adored Logging Luck | GatheringLuck | While Logging gain 9.6% chance at finding rare items. |
0.03% | | Adored Harvesting Luck | GatheringLuck | While Harvesting gain 9.6% chance at finding rare items. |
0.03% | | Adored Mining Luck | GatheringLuck | While Mining gain 9.6% chance at finding rare items. |
0.03% | | Adored Skinning Luck | GatheringLuck | While Skinning gain 9.6% chance at finding rare items. |
4.04% | | Empowered | BuffDur | Empower you apply lasts 29% longer. |
4.04% | | Alacrity | BuffDur | Haste you apply lasts 29% longer. |
4.04% | | Fortified | BuffDur | Fortify you apply lasts 29% longer. |
12.11% | | Divine | Healing | You gain 9.6% more health from all incoming healing effects. |
1.35% | | Nature Protection | Defense | You take 9.7% less Nature damage. |
6.05% | | Shirking DoT Cleanse | DebuffDur | Dodging through an enemy attack while in a light equip load causes you to lose 1 DoT (Bleed, Burn, Poison) debuff. (Can only trigger once every 5 seconds.) |
6.05% | | Shirking Debilitate Cleanse | DebuffDur | Dodging through an enemy attack while in a medium equip load causes you to lose 1 Debilitate (Rend, Weaken, Exhaust, Disease) debuff. (Can only trigger once every 5 seconds.) |